2013 Season
11/16/2013 Away vs Lumber Jills Score: JL 203, PS 123
9/7/2013 Away vs. Mainiacs (BRD, RCR, MRD). Score: PS 26, MAI 142
8/17/2013 Home vs. Boston Derby Dames's Wicked Pissahs. Score: PS 115, BOS 300
7/13/2013 Away vs. Providence Roller Derby's Killah Bees. Providence, RI. Score: KB 283, PS 79
7/6-7/7/2013 Away vs. Muddy River Roller Tournament in Moncton, New Brunswick Canada.
6/29/2013 Home. Intra-league Bout: Golden Gales vs. Dreadnaughts. GG 206, DN 151.
6/15/2013 Home vs. Maine Roller Derby(mixed roster). Score: MRD 237, PS 110.
5/18/2013 Home. Intra-league Bout: Golden Gales vs. Dreadnaughts. Score: GG 188, DN 140
5/11/2013 Away vs. Pioneer Valley's A-Team Weapons of Mass Destruction. Easthampton, MA. Score: WMD: 304, PS 86.
3/9/2013 Away vs. MRD's A-Team The Port Authorities. Portland, ME. Score: PA 320, RCR 82
2012 Season
8/25/2012 Away vs. Twin City Riot. Barre, VT. Score: RCR 197, TCR 130.
8/18/2012 Home vs. Maine Roller Derby (Rip Tides). Score: RCR 217, MRD 78. Fresh Meat Score: RCR 130 vs. BRD 144
8/4 & 8/5 [Win, Entire Tournament] All 8 Tournament in Mass.
Game 1: RCR 170, Bay State Brawlers Roller Derby 78.
Game 2: RCR 100, Worcester Roller Derby 55.
Semi-Finals: RCR 84 , Maine Roller Derby (Clamity Janes) 58.
Finals: RCR 94, Pioneer Valley Roller Derby 71.
7/14/2012 Away vs. Shipyard Sirens. St. John, NB. Score: RCR 205, SS 138
7/13/2012 Away vs. Lumbersmacks. Score: LS 166, RCR 93.
6/23/2012 Home vs. Upper Valley Vixens. Score: RCR 192, UVV 77
6/9/2012 Away vs. Granite State Roller Derby. Concord, NH. Score: RCR 230,GSRD 106.
6/2/2012 Home Intra-league Bout: Battle Hips vs. Thug Boats. Score: TB 120, BH 100
5/12/2012 Away vs. Queen City Cherry Bombs. Durham, NH. Score: QCCB 175, RCR 67
4/21/2012 Away vs. Yankee Brutals. Naugatuck, CT. Score: YB 118, RCR 108
3/18/2012 Away vs. POD. Score: RCR 182, POD 113
3/10/2012 Away vs. Upper Valley Vixens. Enfield, NH. Score RCR 132, UVV 52
2/18/2012 Away vs. Green Mountain Derby Dames (Black Ice Brawlers). Essex Junction, VT. Score: BIB 123, RCR 117
1/21/2012 Away vs. Upper Valley Vixens (Scrimmage) Enfield, NH. Score: RCR 116, UVV 75